Deploy Docsify in China
Deploy Docsify in China

TLDR; This Docsify China tutorial provides you with a step-by-step solution to deploy and host your Django project in China.

What is Docsify?

Docsify is a Javascript-based static site generator. It is widely used with markdown document generation sites.

21YunBox provides a very simple Docsify deployment method within China. You can deploy on the 21YunBox in a static site environment.

How to Deploy Docsify in China?

  1. Signup on 21YunBox
  2. Fork Docsify example on Gitee
  3. Create a cloud service on 21YunBox, and allow 21YunBox to access your code base
  4. Use the following values during creation
Runtime Static Site
Build command  
Publish directory ./docs

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