What is Parse?
Parse is an open source cloud-based back-end management platform. As an alternative to Google’s Firebase, Parse provides developers a one stop back-end and package services, including: server configuration, database management, API, video and audio file storage, real-time message push, customer data analysis and statistics, etc. Parse enables developers to focus on the front-end/client/mobile-side development by managing the back-end for you.
Facebook (Facebook) acquired Parse in 2013, and later decided to close Parse, and finally Parse decided to open source their code, now with Parse Server and Parse Dashboard, recently also supported GraphQL Other functions。
What is a Parse Dashboard?
Parse Dashboard provides a visual Parse server console as well as a built-in GraphQL debugging tool. The Parse team recommends that all users who use Parse Server also use Parse Dashboard at the same time to facilitate users to modify data and configuration.

How to Create a Parse Dashboard?
- Signup on 21YunBox
- Click “New -> App” in the navigation menu, and then select “Parse Dashboard”
- Click Advanced Configuration and add the following environment variables:
Environment Variable Key | Environment Variable Value |
Get from Parse Server |
Define the name of Parse Server |
Get from Parse Server |
https://<APP_ID>.21cloudbox.com/parse |
1 |
User login name |
User login password |
4. Click “Create Now”
Step by Step Deployment Video: