Exploring Tech Difficulties of BigMarker in China

Dive into the key challenges with BigMarker’s speed and legality issues in China. Discover how you can overcome these issues with BigMarker in China.

Scalable and Compliant BigMarker Solution for China

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BigMarker is a cloud-based online platform centered around webinars and video conferences. It is designed to bring people together in a way that’s engaging, productive, and impactful. This tech has been utilized by numerous big-name enterprises such as McDonald’s, Subaru, Zebra, and LexisNexis—demonstrating its significant role in today’s communication infrastructure.

As a result of global lockdowns, the need for online meeting solutions like BigMarker has increased dramatically. Despite having concerns about internet speeds and compatibility issues, more than a million people from over 190 countries utilize this technology for their businesses according to BigMarker’s official data.

BigMarker also uses a major cloud infrastructure provider for its hosting needs. You can find more data on their policy here.


China poses a unique challenge for technologies like BigMarker. While BigMarker provides high-quality, cloud-based webinar and video technology, it can encounter issues with speed and load times due to compatibility problems with China’s internet infrastructure.

Link: CDN or 21YunBox? Which One Do You Need for China

Moreover, there are legal and compliance considerations that need to be taken into account when using such technologies in China.

Link: Make Your Site Compliant in China

Interestingly, quite a few social posts about BigMarker pertain to how to overcome these issues in China, pointing to their widespread importance.

We at 21YunBox provide a trustworthy solution to these issues. With our video hosting and streaming solution in China, we streamline the process from BigMarker to 21YunBox video hosting platform. Our solution provide care-free and high speed streaming experience in China.

Remember, it’s about connecting your audience, not battling technology!


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