Qualtrics in China: Overcoming Performance and Compliance Issues

Discover how Qualtrics users can overcome technological challenges and regulatory hurdles in China by reading our comprehensive guide.

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Qualtrics, a world-renowned tool, aligns itself with the creation of interactive content that aids in gathering insights. By enabling brands to generate, manage, and distribute content across various platforms, it stimulates engagement and boosts interaction rates.

The technology is employed by numerous large corporations including BMW, Under Armour, and Samsung, each with a global reach extending to millions of customers. Further, Airbnb, health tech giant Philips, and even academic institutions like Stanford University also reportedly employ Qualtrics.

The extent of usage within these businesses varies. Yet, the commonality lies within the quest for understanding consumers better, measuring employee engagement or learning more about user interaction patterns.


While Qualtrics boasts a global usage, it runs into some notable barriers within the Chinese technological landscape. Speed and loading issues stand out among the common setbacks, primarily due to compatibilities with the Chinese infrastructure and firewall.

Additionally, legal and compliance issues pose significant challenges for Qualtrics users in China. Stringent internet laws and heavy state control amplify the struggle.

Link: CDN or 21YunBox: Which one do you need for China?

Moreover, Qualtrics operates on multiple cloud platforms, including AWS and Google Cloud, that often face difficulties in Chinese online terrain.

Link: Qualtrics Technology

Moreover, if Qualtrics falls into the streaming video sector, 21YunBox provides an efficient video hosting and streaming solution. Existing videos on Qualtrics can be seamlessly transferred to the 21YunBox platform for an indeed unobstructed video streaming experience.

Finally, social buzz around Qualtrics largely leans towards discussing these technological intricacies and finding remedies for the same. The top social posts, largely, are ones that focus on solutions to better the Qualtrics experience in China–an endeavor we at 21YunBox are supreme in.


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