Understanding Vidyard and Its Challenging Aspects in China

Unravel Vidyard's integration issues in China. Learn about speed/loading problems, legal & compliance challenges, all closely tied with unique Chinese requirements.

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ABOUT Vidyard

In an era of breakthrough technological advancements, Vidyard is the name adding new dimensions to video marketing. As an interactive and personalized video platform, it allows businesses to leverage videos to engage with their customers more dynamically by gathering insights from the viewer’s behaviour pattern and segmentation.

Marketed as an ‘online video platform for business’, Vidyard stands apart with its unparalleled capabilities in personalization, analytics, and integrations with established marketing automation providers. Companies like LinkedIn, Citibank, and Microsoft, to name a few, tap into Vidyard’s resources to reach their audience more effectively.

Not limited to corporations, Vidyard’s prowess extends to start-ups and SMBs like Honeycomb, Sepior, and Trilio. Its engaging video platform facilitates enhanced customer connection and fosters business growth, irrespective of the company’s size.


Although Vidyard’s efficiency and utility are widely demonstrated, there are certain limitations when it comes to the platform’s interoperability in China. These concerns generally revolve around speed/loading issues and legal and compliance issues.

For the former, compatibility problems may occur between the site and the geographical location, leading to slow loading of videos. The sizable difference in network structure between China and Western countries often causes these problems. This can prove counterproductive for businesses targeting audience engagement.

Link: CDN or 21YunBox - Which One Do You Need For China?

Legal and compliance issues in China are more severe. Given its stringent regulations about internet data, providing seamless user experience in China necessitates fulfilling intricate legal provisions.

Link: Make Your Site Compliant in China

Vidyard uses cloud infrastructure from AWS, as mentioned on the official AWS website. Although exceptionally efficient for the rest of the world, AWS’ Chinese counterpart is subject to separate legal and compliance requirements.

Link: Vidyard Documentation on AWS

Have a Convertible CTA Section

On the topic of Vidyard, there are numerous discussions and posts in the social media domain. For instance, a post by Vidyard about ‘5 Must-Know Sales Strategies for 2022’, received significant traction among businesses. Similarly, a blog post on ‘How Video Can Help Improve Sales Enablement’ garnered considerable shares and likes.


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